Proto-Ampayrù language

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Pronunciation mpäjr̪ù/
Region Seforma
Language family
  • Proto-Ampayrù

Phonology[edit | edit source]

Consonants[edit | edit source]

Bilabial Dental Retroflex Palatal Velar Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m ɳ ɲ ŋ
Prenasalized stop mp ɳʈ ɲc ŋk
Plosive p ʈ c k ʔ
Fricative ɸ ʂ ç x ħ
Prensalized affricate mp͡ɸ t̪͡s ɳʈ͡ʂ ɲc͡ç ŋk͡x
Affricate p͡ɸ t̪͡s ʈ͡ʂ c͡ç k͡x
Approximant β̞ j
Prenasalized lateral affricate t̪͡ɬ ɳʈ͡ɬ̢ ɲc͡ʎ̥ ŋk͡ʟ̝̊
Lateral affricate t̪͡ɬ ʈ͡ɬ̢ c͡ʎ̥ k͡ʟ̝̊
Lateral approximant

Prenasalized consonants are existing only between vowels as allophones of tenuis consonants.

Vowels[edit | edit source]

Front Central Back
High i ɨ u
Mid-High ɘ ɵ
Mid-Low ɛ ɔ
Low ä

Phonotactics[edit | edit source]


  • C = any consonant
  • G = glide
  • V = any vowel
  • ʔ = glottal stop

Accent[edit | edit source]

Breathy voiced stress on second syllable. Monosyllabic words don't have stress.

Tones[edit | edit source]

Neutral (a), High (á), Low (à), Rising (ǎ), Falling (â). Tones have distinctive role in lexicon.

Grammar[edit | edit source]

Nouns[edit | edit source]

  • split-ergative alignment: ergative-absolutive in past tenses, nominative-accusative in non-pasts.

(1. Subject = Absolutive, Agent = Nominative , Patient = Absolutive, 2. Subject = Nominative, Agent = Nominative, Patient = Accusative)

  • indirective ditransitive alignment (Donor = Pegative, Recipient = Dative, Theme = Accusative)
  • possessor (preffixes).

Declension[edit | edit source]

Nominative - varânkà jaguar
Accusative -sà varânkàsà jaguar
Absolutive -no varânkàno jaguar
Pegative -li varânkàli jaguar
Dative -yǒ varânkàyǒ for jaguar
Genitive -ṣy varânkàṣy of jaguar
Ablative -wâ varânkàwâ from jaguar
Locative-Instrumental -(m)pì varânkàmpì by/in jaguar

Noun class[edit | edit source]

Human Masculine -râ tò'râ man
Feminine -(n)tǔ tòntǔ woman
Non-Human Strong -(n)kà varânkà jaguar
Weak -(n)clí là'clí slow water

Number[edit | edit source]

Singular - kǎkanankà piranha
Paucal kǎkanankà-yè few piranhas
Plural kǎkanankà-má piranhas

Possessors[edit | edit source]

Singular Plural
1. nè-' my -ànə our but not your
-nènce our and your
2. pò- thy ònce- your
oncèrø̀- your and their
3. ǐnə- him / her / its érø̀- their

Relational nouns[edit | edit source]

[Relational noun + Locative] + [Noun + Genetive case ending]

"The dog is sleeping on top of the mat."

ṭə̀h inside in
ṭə́h top on
'ámpfø̀ head above
hùmpì bottom under
táŋkê side beside
klàmpá distance away
tànclø̂ centre between
kàmpfò back behind, after
pfǎntò outside out
kènkle wheel around
hýpfe front before, opposite to
mǎntə̀ time during, in time of

Verbs[edit | edit source]

  • moods expressed by modal verbs.
  • subject marked by independent postpositional pronoun.
  • pronominal object cliticized to subjective pronoun.

Aspectual system[edit | edit source]

Unintentional Intentional
Incompletive - tèke to burn (unintentionally) -fú tèkefú to burn (intentionally)
Completive -vì tèkevì to burned (unintentionally) -fûv tèkefûv to burned (intentionally)

Tense[edit | edit source]

Two groups of tense, past and non-past, are distinguished by type of morphological alignment:

  • past tenses are expressed by ergative-absolutive alignment,
  • non-past tenses belong to nominative-accusative alignment.
Remote adjectival participle + copular verb to beat long ago
Recent -mŷ- xàmpymŷ to beat recently
Present ~ Habitual - xàmpy to beat
Conditional -(m)pfî- xàmpympfî would beat

Voice[edit | edit source]

Direct Causative
Active - tév to see -a- téav to show
Reflexive śì- śìtév to see self śì- + -a- śìtéav to show self

Evidentiality[edit | edit source]

Visual - klǒŋe to speak (and it is visible)
Non-visual -(ŋ)klo klǒŋeŋklo to speak (and it is non-visible, but known from another source)
Inferential -hay klǒŋehay to speak (and it is non-visible and unconfirmed, renarrative action)

Affirmativity[edit | edit source]

Affirmative - tlòmpò to lie, to be situated
Negative áy- áytlòmpò not to lie
Interrogative ô'- ô'tlòmpò whether to lie ?

Non-finite verbs[edit | edit source]

Action noun -lê vì'lê drinking
Adjectival -áśà vì'áśà drinking
Adverbial -áśû vì'áśû drinking

Adjectives[edit | edit source]

Degrees of comparison[edit | edit source]

Positive Comparative Optimative Superlative
- ŋǒ ímpě
fanó ŋǒ fanó pě fanó ímpě fanó
good better best (of a group) best (of a total)

Adverb[edit | edit source]

Degrees of comparison[edit | edit source]

Positive Comparative Optimative Superlative
ø̀ ŋǒ ø̀ pě ø̀ ímpě ø̀
ø̀ fanó ŋǒ ø̀ fanó pě ø̀ fanó ímpě ø̀ fanó
well better best (of a group) best (of a total)

Numerals[edit | edit source]

Cardinal numerals[edit | edit source]

1. kène
2. ûntlì
3. tolosǔ
4. ôyónta
5. yasónkó
6. kèntopě
7. tárimě
8. malîmpà
9. pâvayà
10. sùnkây
11. sùnkây kène
12. sùnkây ûntlì
20. ûntlì sùnkây
21. ûntlì sùnkây kène
30 tolosǔ sùnkây
100. sùnklí'
101. sùnklí' kène
120. sùnklí' ûntlì sùnkây
121. sùnklí' ûntlì sùnkây kène
200. ûntlì sùnklí'
1.000. manǎká sùnklí'
10.000. sùnkây manǎká sùnklí'

Derived numerals[edit | edit source]

Ordinal Multiplicative Reproductive Distributive Fractional
sân sâná alò' âja
1. aò kène sân kène sâná kène alò' kène âja kène

Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Personal pronouns[edit | edit source]

Subjectives[edit | edit source]
Singular Plural
1. nè' I ànə we but not you
nènce we and you
2. thou ònce you
oncèrø̀ you and they
3. ǐnə he / she / it érø̀ they
Objectives[edit | edit source]
Singular Plural
1. nènə' I ànenə we but not you
nèncenə we and you
2. pònə thou òncenə you
oncèrø̀nə you and they
3. ǐnènə he / she / it érònə they

Demonstrative pronouns[edit | edit source]

Proper Distant Indefinite
Person / Object ṭṣí this kxé that pfǔ someone / something there
Place ṭṣíntònta here kxéntònta there pfǔntònta somewhere there
Source ṭṣíntòntasě from here kxéntòntasě from there pfǔntòntasě from somewhere there
Purpose direction ṭṣíntòntasê to here kxéntòntasê to there, so far pfǔntòntasê to somewhere there
Path ṭṣíŋkêvə this way kxéŋkêvə that way pfǔŋkêvə some way
Time ṭṣímǎntə̀ now kxémǎntə̀ then
Method tṣíńcíntla in this way kxéńcíntla in that way pfǔńcíntla in some way
Quantity ṭṣímpǎ so much
Qualify ṭṣíraŋká like this here kxéraŋká like that pfǔraŋká like something there
Reason ṭṣíṭṣàrə́ for this reason kxéṭṣàrə́ for that reason pfǔṭṣàrə́ for some reason

Interrogative, relative, indefinite and unlimited pronouns[edit | edit source]

Interrogative / Relative Indefinite Unlimited
Person / Object klý who ? which ? nỳklý someone sòklý anyone
Place klýntònta where ? nỳklýntònta somewhere sòklýntònta anywhere
Source klýntòntasě whence ? nỳklýntòntasě from somewhere sòklýntòntasě from anywhere
Purpose direction klýntòntasê whither ? nỳklýntòntasê to somewhere sòklýntòntasê to anywhere
Path klýŋkêvə which way ? nỳklýŋkêvə via some way sòklýŋkêvə via any way
Time klýmǎntə̀ when ? nỳklýmǎntə̀ once sòklýmǎntə̀ ever
Method klýńcíntla how ? nỳklýńcíntla somehow sòklýńcíntla anyhow
Quantity klýmpǎ how much ? nỳklýmpǎ somehow much sòklýmpǎ anyhow much
Quality klýraŋká which one ? nỳklýraŋká some sòklýraŋká any
Reason klýṭṣàrə́ why ?

Negative, universal and alternative pronouns[edit | edit source]

Negative Universal Alternative
Person / Object máklý nobody, nothing vámaklý every pîsòklý anyone else
Place mántònta nowhere vámantònta everywhere pîsòntònta elswhere
Source mántòntasě from nowhere vámantòntasě from everywhere pîsòntòntasě from elswhere
Purpose direction mántòntasê to nowhere vámantòntasê to everywhere pîsòntòntasê to elswhere
Path máŋkêvə through no way vámaŋkêvə through all ways pîsòŋkêvə which way else
Time mámǎntə̀ never vámamǎntə̀ always pîsòmǎntə̀ when else
Method máńcíntla nohow vámańcíntla in all methods pîsòńcíntla otherwise
Quantity mámpǎ nothing pîsòmpǎ otherwise than so many
Quality máraŋká neuter, indistinct vámaraŋká any pîsòraŋká other

Numeral pronouns[edit | edit source]

Interrogative / Relative klýmpǎ how much ?
Indefinite nỳklýmpǎ write a number
Unlimited sòklýmpǎ however many
Negative mámpǎ nothing
Alternative pîsòmpǎ otherwise than so many

Reflexive-reciprocal and cooperative pronouns[edit | edit source]

Reflexive / Reciprocal oneself / each other
Cooperative jèsî together cooperatively

Postpositions[edit | edit source]

Companion, attributive object là' with Instrumental
Originative direction from Genetive
Destinative direction, purpose, goal to Genetive
Lack lǎ' without Genetive
Alternative 'ancla instead Genetive
Contrary ṭlàlà against Dative
Resistance tsárahè despite, though Dative
Stylization tsáŋkarì along to, according to Dative
Benefactive safâ for, destined to Dative
Essive as, at character of Absolutive

Particles[edit | edit source]

Conjunctions[edit | edit source]

Paratactical conjunctions
Copulative tsa and
Conjunctive tsahì also
Disjunctive or
Contrastive, exceptional but
Consequentive kêre so
Comparative tóre than
Hypotactical conjunctions
ŋèlé to, for
mòŋa'ê althought
tòntlê because
kêntò if
that, providing

Modifiers[edit | edit source]

Restrictive ø̀ kène only
Additive ø̀ tlô yet

Polarity particles[edit | edit source]

Affirmative pfà yes
Negative no

Word formation[edit | edit source]

Compounding[edit | edit source]

Derivation[edit | edit source]

Noun[edit | edit source]

Noun to noun[edit | edit source]
Diminutive ńíńí cçájúlicçájúli ńíńí daughter → little daughter
Augmentative kampâ tâmpùrùtâmpùrù kampâ mountain → grand mountain
Contradiction tò'râmá tò'râ human → non-human
Similarity ká'èṇṭe tàntàtàntà ká'èṇṭe tree → pseudo-tree
Half tè'òt súŋkúsúŋkú tè'òt dog → half-dog
Relational abstract -sâsə màŋky̌màŋky̌sâsə brother → brotherhood
Related person -áśà mǔmáŋkymǔmáŋky'áśà cow → cowman
Collective -tâ çáŋkalàçáŋkalàtâ bird → birds (a a collective)
Place -ntòntahì 'àmpâàmpântòntahì fire → campfire
Art / Craft 'ø̀ŋkxáj vǎjpǔ → 'ø̀ŋkxáj vǎjpǔṣy war → craft of war
Knowledge tə̂jmà sûńcerètə̂jmà sûńcerèṣy herb → herbalism
Expert tə̂jmà'áśà sûńcerètə̂jmà'áśà sûńcerèṣy herb → herbalist
Noun to adjective[edit | edit source]
Possessive -la tò'râtò'râla man → human
Originative -sě táŋàŋkatáŋàŋkasě sky → celestial
Similaritive ká'èṇṭe ...-la mø̀lø̀ŋkaká'èṇṭe mø̀lø̀ŋkala cat → felid
Feature -la śílàśílàla hair → hairy
Affiliative -la kxè'ûntəkxè'ûntəla family → familiar
Privative ma-...-la kòntlakòntlala tooth → toothless

Verb[edit | edit source]

Verb to noun[edit | edit source]
Agentive -áśà 'àts- → 'àtsáśà (to) shoot → shooter
Experiencer, adressee -áśà-sî têŋk-têŋkáśàsî (to) teach → learner
Result -jə̂ tàmpø-tàmpøjə̂ (to) fall → (a) fall
Instance -jáj' klǒŋe-klǒŋejáj (to) speak → speech
Instrument -tète xàmp-xàmptète (to) beat → whip
Place -ntòntahì tumu-tumuntòntahì (to) kill → slaughterhouse
Verb to verb[edit | edit source]

Adjective[edit | edit source]

Adjective to noun[edit | edit source]
Abstract -sâsə sùmpfùsùmpfùsâsə strong → strength
Adjective to adjective[edit | edit source]
Tendency -jǎla çéměçémějǎla good → bland
Intensification -sùmpfù-la pâṇṭápâṇṭásùmpfùla big → very big
Excess -vâhø-la ńíńíńíńívâhøla small → too small

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Word order[edit | edit source]

  • SOV
  • head-initial

Modal verbs[edit | edit source]

Energetic vèṇṭṣá to be sure of
Conditional kóvla would be
Potentional ṇâṇ to may
Eventive ṇóŋkə̀ would may
Jussive ṣèŋkxà to should
Precative palí to please, to request
Necessitative kxàŋà to must
Permissive tóntsô to allow
Desiderative jø̀ńcçé to want

Copular verbs[edit | edit source]

Translative tsáts became
Essive tlò be

See Also[edit | edit source]