Etymological dictionary of Proto-Araqish
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Abbreviations[edit | edit source]
Dialectal divisions:
- NW - Northwestern
- NE - Northeastern
- NC - Northcentral
- SC - Southcentral
- SW - Southwestern
- SE - Southeastern
Substrate names:
- Para-Ar. - Para-Araqish
- Pre-SW - Pre-Southwestern
Parts of speech:
- n - noun
- v - verb
- adj - adjective
- denom adj - denominal adjective
- partic - participle (deverbal adjective)
- vn - action noun
- part - particle
- postp - postposition
A[edit | edit source]
- abè [ɑbʰɛ] - n father; v to be father
- agô [ɑgʰɔː] - n brother
- agônæn [ɑgʰɔːnan] - n brotherhood
- ama [ɑmɑ] - n mother; v to be mother
- ar [ɑl] - v to flow, to swim
- Araq [ɑɾɑq] - n Pre-Proto-Ar. alaq; from al- 'to flow' and aq- 'to break' → 'broken river; a river with many cascades or waterfalls'
- artan [ɑltɑn] - n swimmer
- aryúv [ɑljuːʋ] - n river (← 'flowing-water')
- aryúvsí [ɑljuːʋsiː] - n stream
- ara [ɑɾɑ] - n eye
- aq [ɑq] - v to break, to crack
- aqma [ɑqmɑ] - n crack
Á[edit | edit source]
- áran [ɑːɾɑn] - n lake; may be from Pre-Proto-Ar. *al- 'to flow' (prolonging of vowel has unknown origin)
Æ[edit | edit source]
- æk - adj sharp; n sharp edge
- ætæk - v to sharpen
- ætækkep - n sharpener
- ætæk - v to sharpen
Ǽ[edit | edit source]
- ǽt [aːt] - v to stand
- ǽtǽt [æːtæːt] - v to stay, n stay
B[edit | edit source]
- bá [bʰɑː] - v to beat
- tubá [tubʰɑː] - v to shield against beatings
- tubáder [tubʰɑːdʰel] - n shielding place
- tubákep [tubʰɑːkep] - n shield
- tubákeptan [tubʰɑːkeptɑn] - n warrior with shield
- tubátan [tubʰɑːtɑn] - n defender
- bábá [bʰɑːbʰɑː] - v to war; n war
- bábáder [bʰɑːbʰɑːdʰel] - n battle field
- bábákant [bʰɑːbʰɑːkɑnt] - n craft of war
- bábátan [bʰɑːbʰɑːtɑn] - n warrior
- tubábá [tubʰɑːbʰɑː] - v to repel attack, to defend; n defence
- tubábáder [tubʰɑːbʰɑːdʰel] - n defence place
- tubábátan [tubʰɑːbʰɑːtɑn] - n warrior-defender
- tubá [tubʰɑː] - v to shield against beatings
- biḍar [bʰiɖʰɑl] - n ibex
- bork [bʰolk] - v to fence; n fortress, stronghold
- bôr [bʰɔːl] - v to boil; n boiling water
- byǽs [bʰjaːs] - n side of body
D[edit | edit source]
- dandè [dʰɑndʰɛ] - n oak
- dathúd [dʰɑtʰuːdʰ] - n cedar
- deṇe [dʰeŋe] - adj/n blue; v change to blue
- deṇsu [dʰeŋsu] - n sky
- djêrm [dʰjɛːlm] - adj/n red; v to redden
- dôm [dʰɔːm] - n thunder; v to thunder
- dub [dʰubʰ] - v to run; n run
- dubtan [dʰubʰtɑn] - n runner
- dumb [dʰumbʰ] - n tree
- dúym [dʰuːjm] - 'v to pray; n prayer
- dyǽr [dʰjaːl] - n mountain, v be in mountain
- dyǽrdá [dʰjaːldʰɑː] - n grand mountain
Ḍ[edit | edit source]
- ḍvôd [ɖʰʋɔːdʰ] - v to win
- ḍvôdma [ɖʰʋɔːdʰmɑ] - n victory, triumph
- ḍvôdtan [ɖʰʋɔːdʰtɑn] - n winner
E[edit | edit source]
É[edit | edit source]
- ég [eːgʰ] - v to go, to walk, to come
- égég [eːgʰeːgʰ] - v to wander, to migrate
- égégnêr [eːgʰeːgʰnɛːl] - vn wandering, migration
- égégtan [eːgʰeːgʰtɑn] - n wanderer, migrant
- étæg [eːtagʰ] - v to drive
- étægtan [eːtagʰtɑn] - n driver
- tvég [tʋeːgʰ] - v to stop
- égég [eːgʰeːgʰ] - v to wander, to migrate
È[edit | edit source]
- èbên [ɛbʰɛːn] - n elephant
Ê[edit | edit source]
G[edit | edit source]
- gáòn [gʰɑːˈɔn] - n dhole
- gephyo [gʰepʰjo] - n fish; v to fish
- gephyotan [gʰepʰjotɑn] - n fisher
- gephyotanmóg [gʰepʰjotɑnmoːgʰ] - v fishing
- gephyotan [gʰepʰjotɑn] - n fisher
- gèth [gɛtʰ] - v to build
- gèthma [gɛtʰmɑ] - n building
- gint [gʰint] - n hand; v to oath, to swear
- gintnêr [gʰintnɛːl] - vn oath
- ginttan [gʰinttɑn] - n swearing man
- gon [gʰon] - v to kill
- gonder [gʰondʰel] - n slaughterhouse
- gonkep [gʰonkep] - n homicide's tool
- gonma [gʰonmɑ] - n homicide
- gonmami [gʰonmɑmi] - n homicide's victim
- gontan [gʰontɑn] - n killer
- goṣ [gʰoʂ] - n coast, bank, edge
- gothiṣ [gʰotʰiʂ] - n sheep
- gúrḍ [gʰuːɭɖʰ] - n auroch
- gyuṣ [gʰjuʂ] - v to blend, to mix; n blend, mix
- gyuṣkep [gʰjuʂkep] - n mixer, tool for blending
Ġ[edit | edit source]
- ġab [ɢʰɑbʰ] - adj big, great
- ġáná [ɢʰɑːnɑː] - n family, lineage
- ġárḍ [ɢʰɑːɭɖʰ] - n lion
- ġed [ɢʰedʰ] - v to be ready
- ġednæn [ɢʰedʰnan] - n readiness
- ġetæd [ɢʰetadʰ] - v to prepare
- ġíth [ɢʰiːtʰ] - adj high; v to raise, to increase, n height
- ġíthdá [ɢʰiːtʰdɑː] - n deity
- ġíthdámóg [ɢʰiːtʰdʰɑːmoːgʰ] - n teology
- ġíthder [ɢʰiːtʰdʰel] - n high place, highland
- ġíthdá [ɢʰiːtʰdɑː] - n deity
- ġór [ɢʰoːl] - adj round; n round, globular object; v to round
- ġvòrġ [ɢʰʋɔlɢʰ] - adj wild; v to became wild; n wildness
- ġvòrġnæn [ɢʰʋɔlɢʰnan] - n wilderness
- ġvòrġder [ɢʰʋɔlɢʰdʰel] - n wild place
I[edit | edit source]
- iṣ- [iʂ] - v to speak
- iṣiṣ- [iʂiʂ] - v to talk
- iṣiṣtan [iʂiʂtɑn] - n interlocutor
- iṣtan [iʂtɑn] - n speaker, orator
- tviṣ- [tʋiʂ] - v to reply
- iṣiṣ- [iʂiʂ] - v to talk
Í[edit | edit source]
- íq [iːq] - v to eat
- ítæq [iːtaq] - v to feed; n feed
- ítæqtan [iːtaqtɑn] - n feeder
- ítæq [iːtaq] - v to feed; n feed
K[edit | edit source]
- kaduq [kɑdʰuq] - n head, v to lead
- kaduqmin [kɑdʰuqmin] - n leader, chief
- kaòṣ [kɑˈɔʂ] - v to share; n share
- kasik [kɑsik] - n garlic
- keṇk [keŋk] - n wheel; v to wheel
- kexeth [kehetʰ] - adj/n gray, v to gray
- kivi [kiʋi] - n bone
- kín [kiːn] - v to seek
- kintan [kintɑn] - n seeker
- tukín [tukiːn] - v to find, to discover
- tukíntan [tukiːntɑn] - n finder, discoverer
- korḍ [koɭɖʰ] - adj/n black; v to blacken
- kôp [kɔːp] - v to sink
- kôtæp [kɔːtap] - v to drown
- kôtæptan [kɔːtaptɑn] - n kelpie
- kôtæp [kɔːtap] - v to drown
- kuṣṭ [kuʂʈ] - v to shoot
- kuṣṭtan [kuʂʈtɑn] - n shooter
- kvay [kʋɑj] - v to live
- kvaynæn [kʋɑjnan] - n life
Kh[edit | edit source]
- khamp [kʰɑmp] - v to help
- kháṣá [kʰɑːʂɑː] - n daughter
- khèdín [kʰɛdʰiːn] - n copper
- khorák [kʰoɾɑːk] - n shark
- khor [kʰol] - v to let
- khorot [kʰoɾot] - n moon
- khoson [kʰoson] - n pine
- khuṭa [kʰuʈɑ] - n civet
M[edit | edit source]
- mabú [mɑbʰuː] - n cobra
- mat [mɑt] - n time
- máṇġté [mɑːɴɢ̻ʰteː] - n cattle
- mǽd [maːdʰ] - v to teach
- mǽdmi [maːdʰmi] - n learner
- mǽdtan [maːdʰtɑn] - n teacher
- mesin [mesin] - n cherry
- meṣṭe [meʂʈe] - n cat
- mêx [mɛːh] - v to move
- mêxnæn [mɛːhnan] - n move
- min [min] - n man
- moth [motʰ] - v to fly, n flight
- mothkep [motʰkep] - n wing
- mothnêr [motʰnɛːl] - vn flying
- mothté [motʰteː] - n bird
- mód [moːdʰ] - n house
- móddá [moːdʰdʰɑː] - n town, city
- módġúmb [moːdʰɢʰuːmbʰ] - n banteng
- mvar [mʋɑl] - n hair, fur
- myéṇ [mjeːŋ] - v to smell
- myéṇpê [mjeːŋpɛː] - n smell
- myêr [mjɛːl] - n eagle
N[edit | edit source]
- náb [nɑːbʰ] - v to know
- nábpê [nɑːb̻ʰpɛː] - n knowledge
- nêys [nɛːjs] - v to think; n think
- nêystan [nɛːjstɑn] - n thinker
- nêtays [nɛːtajs] - v to cause thinking
- nóp [noːp] - adj weak
- nótæp [noːtap] - v to weaken
Ṇ[edit | edit source]
O[edit | edit source]
Ó[edit | edit source]
Ò[edit | edit source]
- òr [ɔl] - num one; v to merge, to unite
- òrma [ɔlmɑ] - n unity, merger
Ô[edit | edit source]
- ôġ [ɔːɢʰ] - v to hate
- ôġnæn [ɔːɢʰnan] - n hate
- ôgtan [ɔːɢ̻ʰtɑn] - n hater
P[edit | edit source]
- puq [puq] - v to cook
Ph[edit | edit source]
- phæk [pʰak] - v to fit
- phóṣ [pʰoːʂ] - v to foam; n foam
- phòg [pʰɔgʰ] - v to guard, to secure
- phògtan [pʰɔgʰtɑn] - n watchman
- phúx [pʰuːh] - v to smoke; n smoke
- phyos [pʰjos] - adj wise; v to became wise
- phyostan [pʰjostɑn] - n wise person, sage
Q[edit | edit source]
- qadyís [qɑdʰjiːs] - n caracal
- qòmd [qɔmdʰ] - adj hard
- qòmdnæn [qɔmdʰnan] - n hardness
- qanq [qɑɴq] - n stone
- qanqdá [qɑɴqdʰɑː] - n grand stone
- qêm [qɛːm] - n earth, land
- qos [qos] - adj old
- qosnæn [qosnan] - n oldness
- qotæs [qotas] - v to make look old
- qub [qubʰ] - v to fall
- qubder [qubʰdʰel] - n place of fall
- qubma [qubʰmɑ] - n fall
- qún [quːn] - n fate; v to fate
- qúq [quːq] - n milk; v to milk
Qh[edit | edit source]
- qháp [qʰɑːp] - adj full; n fullness; v to fill
- qhèr [qʰɛl] - v to burn
- qhèrpê [qʰɛlpeː] - n flame
- qhètær [qʰɛtal] - v to cause burning
- qhot [qʰot] - v to sit, to sit down
- qhokhat [qʰokʰɑt] - v to seat self ~ to settle
- qhokhattan [qʰokʰɑttɑn] - n settler
- qhotæt [qʰotat] - v to seat; n seat
- qhokhat [qʰokʰɑt] - v to seat self ~ to settle
- qhòbá [qʰɔbʰɑː] - n monkey
R[edit | edit source]
- ranté [ɾɑnteː] - n flower
- raq [ɾɑq] - v to soak, to wet
- raqnæn [ɾɑqnan] - n moisture
- ratæq [ɾɑtaq] - v to wash
- rár [ɾɑːl] - n sunshine, sunlight; v to light
- rásvi [ɾɑːsʋi] - adj/n purple, v to purple
- ræyx [ɾajh] - v to grow
- ræyxma [ɾajhmɑ] - n plant
- remb [ɾembʰ] - v to tremble
- règ [ɾɛgʰ] - n wolf
- rin [ɾin] - adj new
- rinnæn [ɾinnan] - n newness
- ritæn [ɾitan] - v to renew, to restore
- ritænnêr [ɾitannɛːl] - n renewing, restoring, renovation
- ritæntan [ɾitantɑn] - n renewer, restorer, renovator
- rusdu [ɾusdʰu] - adj/n brown; v to brown
- ryǽṣ [ɾjaːʂ] - n word; v to express
- ryém [ɾjeːm] - v to love
- ryémnæn [ɾjeːmnan] - n love
- ryôn [ɾjɔːn] - n night
S[edit | edit source]
- samar [sɑmɑl] - adj green; n greenery; v to became green
- samarder [sɑmɑldʰel] - n green place
- sara [sɑɾɑ] - adj white; n whiteness; v to whiten
- sarír [sɑɾiːl] - n rye
- sæsu [sasu] - n sand; v to shower
- sǽokh [saːˈokʰ] - n snake, serpent
- sǽokhder [saːˈokʰdʰel] - n place of snakes
- sǽokhtan [saːˈokʰtɑn] - n man of snakes
- syôkh [sjɔːkʰ] - adj pink; n pink, rouge; v to rosy
- sóryǽ [soːljaː] - adj yellow; n yellowness; v to yellow
- súg [suːgʰ] - n dog
- súr [suːl] - v to believe
- súrnæn [suːlnan] - n faith
- súrtan [suːltɑn] - n believer
Ṣ[edit | edit source]
- ṣíp [ʂiːp] - v to lie, to be located, to be situated
- ṣíppê [ʂiːppɛː] - n location, position, situation
- ṣúb [ʂuːbʰ] - v to judge
- ṣúbder [ʂuːbʰdʰel] - n court
- ṣúbtan [ʂuːbʰtɑn] - n judge
- ṣvǽr [ʂʋaːl] - adj golden; n gold; v to gild
- ṣvǽrtan [ʂʋaːltɑn] - n goldsmith
- ṣvǽrtanmóg [ʂʋaːltɑnmoːgʰ] - n goldsmith craft
- ṣvǽrtan [ʂʋaːltɑn] - n goldsmith
T[edit | edit source]
- tap [tɑp] - n hill
- tǽt [taːt] - adj good; n goodness
- tíṇs [tiːŋs] - v to remember
- tíṇspê [tiːŋspɛː] - n memory
- túr [tuːl] - v to grab; n finger
- tyór [tjoːl] - v to trust
- tyórnæn [tjoːlnan] - n trust
Th[edit | edit source]
- thab [tʰɑbʰ] - v to draw on sand
- thabnêr [tʰɑbʰnɛːl] - vn drawing on sand
- thǽd [tʰaːdʰ] - n tooth; v to bite
- môvthǽdas [mɔːʋtʰaːdʰɑs] - denom adj toothless
- thoroṣ [tʰoɾoʂ] - adj orange; n orange colour; v change to orange colour
- thòqi [tʰɔqi] - n olive
- thyèṣ [tʰjɛʂ] - n plum
Ṭ[edit | edit source]
- ṭamphí [ʈɑmpʰiː] - n hemp
- ṭand [ʈɑndʰ] - n source, spring, v to squirt
- ṭip [ʈip] - v to touch
- ṭipma [ʈipmɑ] - n touch
- ṭoqh [ʈoqʰ] - v to create
- ṭoqhma [ʈoqʰmɑ] - n creature
- ṭoqhtan [ʈoqʰtɑn] - n creator
Ṭh[edit | edit source]
- ṭháne [ʈʰɑːne] - n woman
- ṭhíṣ [ʈʰiːʂ] - v to feel
- ṭhíṣpê [ʈʰiːʂpɛː] - n feel
- ṭhòp [ʈʰɔp] - v to catch
- ṭhòptan [ʈʰɔptɑn] - n catcher
- ṭhúr [ʈʰuːl] - n horn; v to gore
U[edit | edit source]
Ú[edit | edit source]
- úr [uːl] - v to howl
- úrnêr [uːlnɛːl] - vn howling
V[edit | edit source]
- vár [ʋɑːl] - adv many; v to copy, to multiply
- væthǽ [ʋatʰaː] - n cotton
- vǽnyô [ʋaːnjɔː] - n meadow
- vèrd [ʋɛldʰ] - v to rule, to reign, to control
- vèrdnæn [ʋɛldʰnan] - n rule, reign, control
- vèrdtan [ʋɛldʰtɑn] - n ruler, controler
- vín [ʋiːn] - v to divide, to diminish
- vínma [ʋiːnmɑ] - n divide
- vóy [ʋoːj] - v to howl as hyena [onomatopeic]
- vóyté [ʋoːjteː] - n hyena
X[edit | edit source]
- xaskaṣ [hɑskɑʂ] - n mongoose
- xár [hɑːl] - v to ride; n ride
- xártan [hɑːltɑn] - n rider
- xáṣva [hɑːʂʋɑ] - n sea
- xáṣvamin [hɑːʂʋɑmin] - n dolphin (← 'sea people')
- xǽy [haːj] - adj warm; n warmth; v to warm
- xeyn [hejn] - v to hallow; adj holy
- xeynder [hejndʰel] - n temple
- xèmè [hɛmɛ] - n flax
- xôg [hɔːgʰ] - n fire
- xôgder [hɔːgʰdʰel] - n campfire
- xôgvík [hɔːgʰʋiːk] - n ash
- xôgrǽx [hɔːgʰɾaːh] - n aurora (← 'false-fire')
- xôrp [hɔːlp] - v to prey; n prey
- xôrptan [hɔːlptɑn] - v predator
- xuṭ [huʈ] - v to loan
- xuṭpê [huʈpɛː] - n loan
- xvaq [hʋɑq] - n horse
- xvôr [hʋɔːl] - n sun
Y[edit | edit source]
- yǽg [jaːgʰ] - v to hurt
- yǽgma [jaːgʰmɑ] - n hurt
- yǽk [jaːk] - v to prick
- yǽksí [jaːksiː] - n spike, thorn
- yór [joːl] - adj long
- yótær [joːtal] - v to prolong, to lengthen
- yúv [juːʋ] - n water
See Also[edit | edit source]