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     Dreishawen Languages      Thánan Languages      Kinnərə Languages

     Dwaripje Languages      Tinvok Languages      Hatlh Languages      Araqish Languages      Sazāzasōj Languages      Œkhen Languages      Tḷantali Languages

     Engos Languages      Khenmussu Languages      Efeip Languages      Tifɯ Languages      Kiapni Languages      Blaiti Languages
     Ziai Languages      Ampayrù languages      Nnadū languages      Mkxwereh      Qanday Languages      Kódù Languages

The Language portal


A language is a system of symbols, generally known as words, and the grammatical and other rules by which they are manipulated. The word language is also used to refer to the whole phenomenon of language, and in this sense language is one of several forms of human communication. The scientific study of language and languages, including their historical development, characteristics, and use in society, is the field of linguistics.

Selected language

Araqish-speaking regions
Araqish is a language in East Originalia.


Languages of the world
Nuvola apps edu languages.png

Languages of the Archipelago: Qanday

Languages of Dateline: Dwaripje

Languages of the Island Chain: Engos

Languages of Omoserica: Dwaripje, Dreishawen, Kinnərə, Thánan

Languages of Originalia: Dwaripje, Araqish, Tinvok, Hatlh, Œkhen, Sazāzasōj, Tḷantali

Languages of Seforma: Kódù, Blaiti, Ziai, Tifɯ, Kiapni, Khenmussu, Efeip, Engos, Ampayrù, Nnadū, Mkxwereh, Qanday


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